5 Oct 2014

If You Won N1 Billion Today…. (II)


If you won N1 billion today, will you...

1. Leave your job, spend it all up, and then end up applying again for your former job as a garbageman? Not likely. But Michael Carroll was an unemployed 26-year-old Brit who won a £9.7 million jackpot in 2002, spent it all on prostitutes, cocaine, hosting parties, etc, in 6 years.
 He eventually ended up applying again to carry garbage. Now he is collecting a £42 a week in jobseeker's allowance. According to him “it's easier to live off £42 dole than a million.”

2. Gamble it all away? Many lottery winners are known to be serial gamblers. And winning a big amount of money did not deter them from gambling, instead it spurred them on. Evelyn Adams won the lottery twice- in 1985 and 1986, for a total of about $5.4 million. She gambled it all away and ended up living in a trailer.

3. Switch off the TV; disconnect your home phone just so that your wife does not know? Arnim Ramdass did just that in 2007 because he won about $600,000 but didn’t want his wife to know about it. She eventually got to know when she googled his name. of course, she sued him and then divorced him.
Arnim Ramdass and wife
Winning a lottery might seem great from afar, but if your mind isn’t developed for a very big amount, you might end up worse than you were before winning.

Two years after winning the lottery, the wife of the largest lottery winner in the USA Jewel Wittaker said that she wished Jack, her husband had torn the ticket because of the terrible negative effect the winnings had on her family and her husband’s life/business.


What many don’t know is that money is neither good, nor bad- it is simply neutral. Money only takes the character and personality of its owner. If the owner is stupid, the money becomes stupid too! If the owner is evil, the money becomes evil too!! If the owner is wise, then the money all of a sudden becomes wise, profitable and a blessing to its wise owner!!!

Even if you plan to win the lottery, also plan to be a wise money manager today by learning all you can about money. The future belongs to those who plan and prepare for it.


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