26 Oct 2014

KJV Verses That ALSO Talk About Money (But You Won’t Know) & Verses That Are FORCED To Talk About Money (I)


In this series, I will show and expound on KJV bible verses that talk about money or refer indirectly to finances which you won’t know unless you either read it in context, or get another translation/version of the bible. 

I will also talk about some verses that have been either been forced to talk only about money (-when you read such verse, you only think MONEY), or misquoted/twisted to talk about money in a way their contextual usage did not imply at all.

The format will be one verse each under each heading. Join me as we begin.

Scriptures that also talk about money

Eccl 11:1-2 (KJV)  Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.  Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth.
1st Explanation: Investing
Each time I remember this scripture, Who wants to be a millionaire? comes to my mind because it was the saying I arranged correctly to get to the hotseat. I remember Frank Edoho saying that he had not heard of the saying before. (Who says it does not pay financially to know your bible.)
This scripture is rendered in NLT as “Send your grains across the sea and in no time, profits will flow back to you. But divide your investments among many places for you do not know what risks lie ahead.” This translation takes it literally- send your money/bread/product, etc across the ocean.
There is a Christian investor Robert Katz who says he used this principle in diversifying his investment (check it here).
 Actually, the bible teaches diversification, as a sound investment principle. Even Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway made its money from buying the stocks of Coca-Cola and American Express in the 60s and 70s. And As I said in this article, that original cotton/textile company whose share is worth over $200,000 each today, made its money from insurance, and investing/divesting its money into other companies.
2nd Explanation: Giving back [Notice I said giving back, not giving. If you have not read my explanation of the difference, read it here.]
Some commentaries/translations actually say Vs 1 talks about charity/giving back. The Message translation puts it like this “Be generous: invest in acts of charity. Charity yields high returns. Don’t hoard your goods; spread them around. Be a blessing to others.” It looks at investment as giving back, or giving back as actually an investment. depending on the perspective. [check out billionaire Omidyar's investment/charity network] 
In this chapter, The Preacher was nearing the end of his long exposition of life, and the vanity of it. So he clearly was talking about giving back. If you see any other preacher who uses this scripture to tell you to give as a means of making money, huge returns, know that he is either a poor bible student at best, or a thief and charlatan, at worst.

Scriptures that do not talk about money originally

Mal 3: 10 (KJV) “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be MEAT in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”(emphasis mine)

If there is any scripture in the whole bible about money that had been thoroughly abused and made to say what he did not say originally, this is it! In case you have not read my exposé on tithes and tithing, read it here.

This scripture talks about food!

The tithes was meant to be food for Levites -God’s set-apart tribe who had no land, means of survival or work in Israel aside their priestly duties. The levites included the High Priest, other priests/musicians, and their families. How will the work of God go on when his priests and their family are not fed? 

Num 18:24 “But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as an heave offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit: therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.”  Here we see why God gave them the tithes in the first place.
God didn’t want them to own land/possessions in Israel or become materialistic, so HE DID NOT INSTRUCT ANY OF THEM TO COLLECT CASH/MONEY FROM HIS PEOPLE REGULARLY, only food. 

But today, the exact opposite is being preached by pastors. They already ask you to pay pledges and give offerings, yet they still collect 1/10, one-tenth of your salary as ‘tithe’. Many of them have houses, lands, investments, airplanes, and are even richer than some countries in the world.  If you have such a pastor, tell him the bible reveals HE IS FRAUDULENT!

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