29 Nov 2014

Don't Make Money In Order To Spend More, Make Money In Order To Be Financially Free


If you see anyone who is desperate financially- in debt and barely surviving, 9 out of ten times, it isn't because their income is too small.... It is because their expenditure far outweighs their income. I already shared how to be very very rich. If you have not read the article please do, you will be enriched by reading it. 

The way to wealth is to earn far more than you can ever spend. Or better, spend less than you earn. The latter is easier, and applicable to more than 80% of all the people on earth today. But My life mission is to increase the percentage of people in the first category to far more than 20%, especially in Africa.

There is nothing that can enslave a man more cruelly than money. When you live to make money in order to increase your expenditure, you will only live from one paycheck to another. I have learnt this the hard way.

Most Nigerians are looking for more money, but with the wrong mindset. They are looking for more money not to become financially free, instead rather unwittingly and unfortunately, to become more enslaved to the poverty mindset. Why do I say so? When you are hustling, going up and down simply because you want more money to buy more shoes, to go on more shopping sprees, to buy a bigger car or TV, or to show people you have arrived, you have a poor man's mindset!

When you keep looking for ways to spend more, including trying to make more money simply because you want to increase the number of times you eat out, buy things online, or just have more material things, you fall into a trap- the money trap. (Some experts call it the mouse trap because you are in the rat race. lol)

Don't look for money in order to spend more, look for money in order to multiply it, and you will be financially free to buy anything you want, when you want, even though you won't...because that's why you are financially free.

Don't forget that financially freedom is being able to buy or do what you want, whenever you want because you can 'afford' to.

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