17 Jan 2015

Saving, and Having A Savings Account Will Never Be Old Fashioned

Credit: creditreport.com

Savings as a personal finance principle of wealth and survival is as old as the earth and it is practiced not only by humans, but also animals.

Ants save food during the summer for winter, sometimes carrying food many times its size. So also Squirrels, Chipmunks and Mice.

Even the trees use their trunks to save water for drought. Desert plants have adapted to not lose so much water, and save more because of the drought.

Human beings have been saving food, cowries, and other resources since the stone age. And for you to be financially independent even today, you have to be a saver. You can check out my other articles on how to be rich from saving regularly, and improving your savings habit.

No matter how much you make,if you have not convinced yourself on developing a regular savings habit, you will keep making excuses about it and not pay yourself regularly.

Countries save. Companies save. Governmental organisations save.  Those who don't remain in debt. Yes, any entity that ignores this timeless principle of wealth cannot break this law, unless it breaks himself against the law.

You may have debt, but it isn't an excuse not to save. You may not have a regular job yet (like me), it isn't an excuse not to put something aside. Just save something. You may have investments, it isn't an excuse not to save.

You can open a savings account, or join a credit and thrift club or society. Just do something positively towards achieving and maintaining a savings habit.

I want to encourage you to find a reason to save- don't just say you want to save, find a purpose or goal to attach your savings plan to. You can save for a personal project, or for your own house, or for your children's college or university tuition. Find a vision or goal bigger than you and use it as a motivating factor to pay yourself regularly.

Quit making excuses. Start today. Put something aside, not necessarily for a rainy day...but for a worthwhile goal, and you will achieve it.

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