2 Oct 2015

Opportunities Do Not Come In Wrappers Labelled “Opportunities”


If only the Inn in the bible where Mary and Joseph had desired to stay had known that these young guests brought with them an opportunity to make their name immortalised as the birthplace of the saviour of the world, perhaps they would have created space for them that night.
If Joe Green knew back then in 2004 that his roommate was no longer playing a prank on the Harvard security servers, and was now building what will become the World’s largest social media network –Facebook, perhaps he would have disobeyed his father to assist Mark, and perhaps be worth about $10 billion today.

Ryan Graves was Uber first hire/employee. He got the job by responding to a twitter ad for the job of COO in 2010 by Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick. Today, he is a billionaire as a resultIt pays to be a hustler who sees opportunities and is bold enough to take it.


David Choe is a graffiti artist who decorated the walls of Facebook in 2005 accepting shares for his effort instead of cash even though he thought the social network was 'ridiculous and pointless'. When Facebook went public in 2012, his share were worth $200 million.

Investment opportunities often require sacrifice on our part in order to take advantage of them. And  the bigger the returns, often, the bigger the sacrifice that will be required of us. 

Is your 9-to-5 job ensuring your ultimate financial freedom?
...Or are you in the rat race?

Financial freedom is 
defined in many different ways by experts. But generally, it is established as how long (i.e. how many months) it takes for you to use up your savings, and survive if you lost your job today.

But I believe financial freedom is much more than money. Financial freedom is working not because you have to, but because you want to, and enjoy to. Financial freedom is simply how long it takes for you to survive without a fixed income/salaried job...from your investments and multiple income sources. 

Ask yourself these questions everyday when you are on your way to work, "Am I working today towards ensuring my financial freedom tomorrow?" And, "Am I living in a way that will ensure I exit the rat race soonest?" If your answer is No!, then begin to seek investment opportunities today, that will ensure you become financially free tomorrow.

Going back to Medicine is about taking advantage of an opportunity
I decided to yield to better advice and practice Medicine while Credicoins develops her first Minimum Viable Product. It is about making the most of every opportunity available to make an extra income which is very needed at this time, most especially now. Some say I should practice because Nigeria needs more doctors, others, because I can squeeze it into my present schedule, among other reasons.They are all correct. More so, I need a regular source of income to continue to personally practice the principles of personal finance I teach. But the major reason I took the job is because of the flexibility it offers- I get to work just 10 days every month, for a reasonable amount by Lagos standards. lol.

That's all I have for now. I wish you the courage to take every Bull's horn you find now on till you you become financially free. 

Yes, I dare you to be bold. I dare you to take risks. Cheers!


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