5 Mar 2015

2 Videos -On Saving, and Investing -That Have Inspired Me (And Countless Others) Recently


Hello, I want to share with you two videos I came across recently that inspired me greatly.

The first is of a washer woman who shook the whole of America in 1995 when she gave most of her life savings of $250,000 out to charity (-many of you might have heard of her. It was she who inspired Ted Turner to give the $1 billion that became UN foundation).

Here is the story; She was 87 and didn't know what to do with her life savings of $250,000, so her banker divided it into ten. He gave her ten dimes each representing $25,000. She gave 1 dime to her church, 3 to three different cousins of hers, and the remaining 6 to the University of Southern Mississippi to start a scholarship fund for black students who could not afford tuition.

Consequently, she was invited to the White House to meet President Clinton, Harvard University gave her an honorary doctorate degree, and she was one of those who carried the Olympics 1996 Torch.

Today, when a Southern Miss alumnus names the school in a will, he or she is inducted into the McCarty Legacy Society. Its logo is a tree with six dimes at the end of its branches.

This other one is of 'Mr Earl' Crawley, a dyslexic (a person who has extreme/severe difficulty in reading and is called a slow learner. Famous dyslexics include Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Michael Faraday, Thomas Edison, George Washington, Orlando Bloom, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Mohammed Ali, Ted Turner, Whoopi Goldberg and so many others).

He is a 'car park' attendant (as Nigerians would call him) who has NEVER EARNED a salary more than $12/hour (about N2,000) or $20,000/year (about N4 million annually) throughout his 44 years in that job but today is worth more than $500,000 (roughly N100,000,000).

He sent his three children to private schools all through, own his own home and isn't in debt to anyone.

He achieved this through savings, living frugal and of course, investing wisely in personally researched stocks.

Like I shared under the subsection of our 40 different ways to make money online on shares trading, there are two major ways to really profit from stock trading:

  1. Be the one taking the company public, or
  2. Be an 'insider' investor (private investor).
While you might argue that Mr Earl wasn't neither of those, (of course, he isn't a millionaire too,) what you can't take away from him is the fact that he did his due diligence to gather company information from a lot of sources in the parking lot before he invested in any stocks at all. He didn't rely on his brokers to do that for him! The fact that he now teaches others about investing tells me that he really knows 'what he does for a living'. lol (OR DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT MAN IS JUST A PARKING LOT ATTENDANT?!)

The two videos are filed in my library for later use at Credicoins Network meetings and seminars. I will search for more inspiring videos like this, and share with you too. But if you know of any already, please share with me.

Thank you, do have a lovely day.

Oh by the way, just as I told you in November of my partners (lol) Bill and Melinda Gates foundation giving out grants of up to $1 million, they wrote me yesterday that the next round of funding is ready.

You can check their site- Grandchallenges, for it.

This time I can apply as the offline part of my company, Credicoins Network, is into making mobile money widely accepted, especially by the Telcom merchants and villagers in the rural areas. I couldn't apply in November for many reasons.
(It is the online part of it you know, which I shared on this blog and refer to as the billion dollar idea.)


More so, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation are only one of more than a dozen foundations and NGOs who have funds to support mobile money, and/or eradicate poverty in the world. Others include Rockefeller foundation, Omidyar networkMacArthur foundation, among countless others. So if you too have great ideas, please contact them.

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