24 Sept 2014

8 Unique Free Marketing Ideas To Move Your Business To The Next Level


I often times come up with many ideas: some of them; crazy, some; impossible, others; very innovative.  Today I will share with you 8 free marketing ideas. Some of them are unique to me; others are already being used by some innovative companies around. Please feel free to use them to move your business to the next level.

(1)    Be my marketer/ Be our Ambassador:
Idea:   This idea involves placing a big, colorful customized sticker on 100 cars for 1 month. You might recruit the cars at your social club, or local church, or in a particular neighbourhood.
Concept:  The whole idea is to generate awareness for a particular program, or upcoming event, or challenging health issue such as Ebola or Breast Cancer, etc.

(2)    Serve your customer in the Car(park): ‘ServeMeInTheCarpark’
Idea: this idea involves taking customers' orders to them in the carpark. Some customers are so busy and in a hurry that they don’t want to come down from their car or walk into your shop.
Concept: the whole idea is to ‘customise’ the shopping experience for your loyal and VIP customers. Give them a pre-assigned phone number that they can call, or text to. Good for businesses who do not have too many customers, or who have a small shop that is always congested, or too far into the market/neighbourhood, or businesses that are far from the carpark/major highways.

(3)    Drive through eatery:
Idea: this idea is strictly for eateries. It is already being used by big restaurants abroad like Macdonald’s.
Concept: similar to the one above, the only difference is that this involves a eatery. And the eatery is built in a place like a petrol station, where customers can just drive through, make their order instantly and zoom off. Alternatively, the eatery might be a mobile container, placed in a park, or amusement park, or open field where there is a high traffic.

(4)   Brand 1000 Youths all over the country:
Idea: Find 1000 youths to wear a T-shirt bearing your logo/business colours all at the same time in different locations of a particular state, at a particular time of the day say, between 12pm – 2pm, everyday for 1 month regardless of where they are at that time, regardless of what they are doing at that time.
Concept: this one is a feisty, but queer idea. And it might be a little difficult to implement. But with committed youths, it will work and take many people by surprise.


(5)    Brand every customer:
Idea: Give every customer of yours a free car or door sticker, or lapel, or wallet, or phone pouch- something that when they use, it will be visible for all to see that they patronize you.
Concept:  it is a form of CSR (corporate social responsibility) initiative, the only difference is that you are personalizing it by appreciating every customer with a gift. But this idea can only work with a business that is already branded, with a known brand.
(6)    Brand every single item that comes out of your office/shop:
Idea: this is simply an attempt at branding for SMEs.
Concept: Small and medium scale businesses who are looking to brand themselves on a small budget, can adopt this method.

(7)    Shop for N200 only:
Idea: this idea is for a shop that sells a variety of things, but everything sold will go for only N200. Now this can be a very expensive and seemingly impossible idea to implement. But, it is possible.
Concept: modeled after the $1 or £1 shops that you find in some big airports all over the world. The idea is actually for a shop that will sell BRAND NEW items, all for a flat amount of N200.
Updated: I have seen a shop in Nigeria now, called N1,000 or less, where all items sold there are for N1000 ($5) or less.

(8)    PWYW:
Idea: this acronym stands for ‘Pay What You Want’. Similar to the N200 shop above, the idea involves asking your customer to pay what they feel like paying for any item they buy at your shop, based on what they feel it costs.
Concept: See how generous, intuitive, stingy, or honest your customers are by allowing them pay whatever amount they want for items they buy in your shop. The businesses that have done this do it on a particular day every year. They call it the PWYW DAY.

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