16 Feb 2016

The Coolidge Effect Can Make You Become Poor and Depressed, Even If You Have Never Heard Of It


There is an old joke about Calvin Coolidge when he was President of USA.… The President and Mrs. Coolidge were being shown (separately) around an experimental government farm. When [Mrs. Coolidge] came to the chicken yard she noticed that a rooster was mating very frequently. She asked the attendant how often that happened and was told, "Dozens of times each day." 

Mrs. Coolidge said, "Tell that to the President when he comes by." 

Upon being told, the President asked, "Same hen every time?" The reply was, "Oh, no, Mr. President, a different hen every time." 

President: "Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge."

The Coolidge effect (named after the former first family, from this joke) is a phenomenon seen in mammalian species whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest if introduced to new receptive sexual partners, even after cessation of sex with prior but still available sexual partners. The evolutionary benefit to this phenomenon is that a male can fertilize multiple females.
It explains why (married) men generally seek new partners or novel sexual encounters, even though they love their present partner/wife.

No matter how exhausted a man is from having sex with a particular female, once a new female is introduced into the room, he gets aroused immediately and wants to mate afresh (with her).

The pilot study was actually done in rats.


The Coolidge effect can make your marriage fail, make you lose your job/career, and generally waste your life 
The Neuro-psychology researcher Gary Wilson explains it in this Tedx Talk- The Great Porn experiment, showing that the Coolidge effect is responsible for why most men (> 70%) view internet porn, and many subtly get addicted without realizing it, because of the thrill of clicking to see a 'new' video, or the 'next' hot girl, etc...till they develop radical changes in sexual tastes, and often graduate to extreme (Porn) materials...which eventually causes brain function regression, depression among other negative effects.

Men such as Clinton, Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Weiner, Edwards, Lee, Schwarzenegger, Strauss-Kahn, and so on, have had their careers, reputation, and/or social lives disrupted because of this effect on them through sex scandals.

Porn addiction damages the brain
Numerous researches including that which Gary Wilson has shown on his blog proves that porn addiction damages the brain. Heavy Internet erotica users have reported experiencing perplexing, unexpected effects: escalation to more extreme material, concentration difficulties, sexual performance problems including PIED, radical changes in sexual tastes, social anxiety, irritability, inability to stop,  maxed-out credit cards, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms.

The good news is that most of those negative symptoms have been shown to be reversed after addicted erotica users stopped consuming porn because the brain is (Neuro)plastic.

From that video, a user wrote that before quitting, he took two extra years to graduate college because of depression and procrastination. However, after quitting, he said, "I feel like the next Isaac Newton or Leonardo Da Vinci. Since I quit a month ago, I've literally: started a business, taken up piano, been studying French everyday, been programming, drawing, been managing my finances...and have more awesome ideas than I know what to do with.

Another addict lost two jobs, was on antidepressants, had erectile dysfunction and failed relationships until he quit.

How to make the Coolidge effect work in your favor
In order not to lose money and valuable time, or risk having a social scandal due to seeking novel sexual partners, and new sexual experiences, men should find a way to recreate the love and chemistry they shared with their spouse at the beginning of their relationship.

It is a wise man that will daily find something new and adorable in his wife to complement and cherish, in order not to stray. The women are not left out. Women should strive to satisfy their men, and find out if they use porn, or even are already addicted to it. Many men, unknowing to their wives, have fidelity issues due to pornography.

Help: For those who are suffering from the effects of porn addiction, the online community NoFap has helped a lot of people overcome their addiction, especially PIED (porn-induced Erectile Dysfunction). Check out this very useful article on porn addiction too.

By the side...
See the Facebook comment of a man who felt he cheated because he was checking out a woman in front of him on a queue in Target store, not knowing that his wife was also there...and she was his wife!

I wish you success and newness of life in your relationship!
Jason Hewlett, Tami and their lovely family

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